Red Light Therapy
Red Light Therapy increases circulation to the body and aids in muscle recovery. It has shown to decrease inflammation which allows for better joInt mobility.
It all begins with our cells and at the center of our cells is our Mitochondria. They are responsible for generating most of the chemical energy needed to power the cell’s bio chemical reactions. Chemical energy stored by the mitochondria in a molecule called ATP.
Our Mitochondria responds positively to Red Light waves of 620 nano meters or more creating more cellular renewal.
Try it.
A Red Light Therapy Session is a fast and effective way to restore your body during your busy week.
Most often we see our clients use sessions as either an add on at the end of a Pilates workout or prior to a Massage Therapy session.
If you are trying to recover an injury or help you as youtrain for an event, we recommend sessions 3x week.
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